Blair’s Quick-Fix Nuclear Mistake

May 19, 2006 at 8:39 am 2 comments

Mr Blair is finally starting to realise and admit that Global Warming is rapidly damaging our environment; some scientists have startling estimations on how quickly the polar ice caps could disappear if the right things aren’t done.  Fast.  I have spent a lot of time researching the possible problems and benefits of nuclear and renewable energy.  This article will shoot Mr Blair’s reasoning down in wood-burning flames, and expose it to be (self-confessed) foolishness.

By Liam Bailey

The first thing wrong with Mr Blair’s announcement was its timing. Normally subjects of an on-going enquiry or report, are met by MP’s either side of the house with a comment like: “It would be foolish of me to talk about that just yet, lets just wait and see what the report says.” or something to that effect.  In which case Blair, by making the announcement to predominantly back nuclear over renewable energy on Tuesday night, around two months before the report into our energy shortfalls is due to be published, made a bigger fool of himself than when he said Saddam Hussein could launch a missile strike; using non-existent WMD’s in less than 45 minutes. 

There is another similarity with this announcement and his handling over our part in the Iraq war: his eagerness to get plans into effect before anyone gets the change to mount a suitable opposition.  Supported by the fact there will be not be a separate white paper on the nuclear plans following the report, meaning no new legislation or a chance for backbenchers to leave him high and dry again.  In other words, he had a brief look at an unfinished report and did what he wanted anyway, just like Iraq, except he never sexed the energy report up.        

If I were a gambling man, I would bet money that the energy review makes far different suggestions than Tony Blair’s announcement, which has already stirred up a lot of opposition.  Not just from opposing M.P’s, the green community or some of his backbenchers, but based on the people I have spoken to a large quantity of the British public.  As well as rightly so, raising many questions both from those opposed to the nuclear plans and those supporting them.  

The questions and opposition mainly regard the lack of plans for disposing of the highly radioactive waste, which is dangerous for many years after it is used. As the industry says the new plants can be fully functional by 2017, we need evidence that plans will be in place for dealing with much larger quantities of radioactive waste by 2017.  Also although much less, nuclear power plants still expel Co2 into the atmosphere and if Blair's plans are carried through will only generate 40% of the UK’s power, therefore, if Blair doesn’t wake up to the potential of renewable energy over nuclear he won’t get much nearer to our Co2 emission target.  As well as increasing the number of terrorist's, top potential targets.  Blair’s reasoning for choosing Nuclear over renewable was there being many technical difficulties with renewable power, i.e. wind farms, also stating that legislation would be needed to speed up planning permission for such projects in order to further subsidise nuclear energy.  

Technical problems maybe, but I know of many successful renewable energy ventures and many major power companies now stating high percentages of the energy they supply comes as coming from renewable sources, with estimations on higher renewable percentages in the near future.  In most cases, these companies are doing their own work to develop or expand renewable energy quotas.  This shows that they are aware the public is becoming increasingly concerned about climate change, so why isn’t Tony Blair.   Regarding the new legislation to speed up planning permission, his announcement made the problem worse.  Obtaining planning permission for wind-farms for example is as Blair said, often a slow process.  Generally, because large numbers of the public, who, in the main are ignorant of the benefits of renewable energy and the dangers of climate change, mount objections to the proposals largely on the grounds they destroy the scenery.  They won’t change their minds, if the PM with all his think tanks doesn’t see renewable energy as the best way forward.  
In closing, Tony Blair’s announcement of expanding nuclear power supposedly addressed two of Britain’s current problems, energy security and Co2 emissions.  It addressed neither.   If more of the country’s energy comes from nuclear power plants, it will solve our immediate energy security problem but only temporarily, as we all know nuclear plants can only be used safely for around two decades.  As for the CO2 emissions Blair going nuclear baffles me even more, a larger percentage of energy coming from more nuclear power plants; reducing CO2 emissions slightly and therefore slowing global warming, but only slightly and not forever.  As well as adding the environmental problem of increased radioactive waste, which has to be disposed of safely, nobody yet (I don’t think even the PM) knows how or where.  I am sure opposition on disposal sites will prove to be another stored problem. 

Whereas mounting a campaign informing the public how immediate and dangerous climate change is and urging their support for renewable energy, alongside legislation to speed up planning permission for wind-farms and such, would I feel, have been a much better solution for Britain and the environment.


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Entry filed under: Nuclear Vs Renewable, Renewable Energy, Slowing Global Warming, Sustainable Living.

A Beech Breath Of Fresh Air P.E.T.A’s (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals): Peaceful, But Very Public Revolution

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Antibush  |  February 16, 2007 at 11:14 am

    Bush and the Republicans were not protecting us on 9-11, and we aren’t a lot safer now. We may be more afraid due to george bush, but are we safer? Being fearful does not necessarily make one safer. Fear can cause people to hide and cower. What do you think? How does that work in a democracy again? How does being more threatening make us more likeable?Isn’t the country with
    the most weapons the biggest threat to the rest of the world? When one country is the biggest threat to the rest of the world, isn’t that likely to be the most hated country?
    If ever there was ever a time in our nation’s history that called for a change, this is it!
    We have lost friends and influenced no one. No wonder most of the world thinks we suck. Thanks to what george bush has done to our country during the past three years, we do!

  • 2. WAGADINGO  |  December 1, 2008 at 9:26 am

    Going fishing?


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About Liam Bailey

My name is Liam Bailey and I am a freelance journalist from the UK. My port-folio follows, with links to all my articles published on-line. All my published and un-published articles can be read on my War Pages and Better World blogs

In my best achievement yet Information Clearing House published my latest article on the Israel/Palestine conflict yesterday.

The Centre for Research on Globalization published my analysis article:

Is Attacking Iran a Viable Option?

It was also published on several other sites including:

Uruknet: Information from Occupied Iraq

Persian Journal

Canada Watch

My articles on the Israeli Palestinian conflict have also been published by: Arabic Media Internet Network:

Does U.S Support Prevent Israel From Committing to Peace?

Gaza: Shock and Awe 2006

IDF: Killing Peace; Keeping Misconceptions Alive and

Will the Israeli/Palestinian conflict ever end?

Does U.S Support Prevent Israel From Committing to Peace? Was also published by Desicritics

Gaza: Shock and Awe 2006 was also published by:

The Palestine Chronicle

The Palestinian Return Centre

Big City Portal Auckland New Zealand And Desicritics (Updated version-after ceasefire)

IDF: KIlling Peace; Keeping Misconceptions Alive was also published by:

The Palestine Chronicle and Desicritics

Will the Israeli/Palestinian conflict ever end was also published by:

Information Clearing House

The Palestine Chronicle

Garowe online (Somalia) and Desicritics

Some of the articles above were also published by OhmyNews International who have published 18 world affairs op-ed and analysis articles of mine on the front page. All of which can be read –among other things-- from my article list.

I am most proud of:

Somalia: UN Resolution Is a Mistake

Gaza: Shock and Awe 2006

Is Attacking Iran A Viable Option?


Are We Losing the War on Terror?

My articles on the conflict in Somalia have also been published by:

Garowe Online (Somalia)


and Two by Desicritics.

Two other articles published by OhmyNews and Desicritics are: Infant Feeding: Breast is Best And

The Day I Heard about John Lennon's Death

My OhmyNews article: Islamic Terror Rife in UK, was also published by Asian News Network: Naver.

The Washington Post’s Post Global blog editor has just made me part of the team as an advanced blogger. The first question I responded to was: If U.S dominance is over in the Middle East as some analysts say, what will replace it?

My response, the article: U.S: End of Middle East Domination-What Domination? was published on Global Post and has also been published by:

Garowe Online

AMIN and Desicritics

Previously I had six features on ethical and sustainable issues and a monthly news round-up accepted for publication by Lifescape Magazine

You can read my published Lifescape features and other ethically orientated articles including the above mentioned UNICEF piece at Better World

I also write fiction:

After my first year I had my first poem published followed by another 11 and three short stories since. Including my last Short-Story which I wrote on the request of Sageof Consciousness to appear as the featured Short Story Writer.

Currently necessity dictates that I work full time in a supermarket, but my heart is in my writing. You can commission articles. One off cover-letters for employers, which I am excellent at. Sales pitch for company brochures or a personalised poem for advertising campaigns or greeting cards. Anything you need written, I will write it well.

Samples can be provided on request. You can contact me by e-mail.